We studied 200 patients destined to have ICSI cycles either for the first time or repeatedly in the kasralainy IVF unit. They have done ICSI cycles due to male factor, ovarian, tubal, uterine factors or unexplained infertility. All patients had routine office hysteroscopy prior to their cycles assessing the vagina cervix, isthmus and uterine cavity and If laparoscopy was indicated as in cases with endometriosis, endometriomas, excision of an ovarian cyst or salpingectomy in cases with hydrosalpinx, it was done to the patient. The additive diagnostic and therapeutic values of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy were estimated and compared to the diagnostic value of the routinely used modalities as transvaginal U/S and HSG. The comparison revealed marked superiority of the office hysteroscopy in its diagnostic power over the transvaginal U/S and HSG especially in assessing uterine intracavitary lesions, This is added to its therapeutic contribution which can be done in the same setting