The AM in its early use was portrayed as a potential ‘miracle’ cureor adjunct for almost every surgical procedure of the external adnexeaand ocular surface to heal defects and treat scarring. However, as with allnew developments, AM had been tried for multiple indications but onlynow is starting to find its true niche in ophthalmology.The amniotic membrane is a translucent membrane composed of an innerlayer of epithelial cells, planted on a basement membrane that is in turnconnected to a thin connective tissue membrane by filamentous strands .Several mechanisms had been proposed to explain the beneficial effectsof amniotic membrane transplants in ocular surgery. As regarding promotion of epithelialisation, AM had been widelyapplied for the treatment of various ocular surface diseases. As regarding the anti-inflammatory effect, It had been shown thatthe AM stroma contains growth factors, natural inhibitors ofvarious proteases, and antiangiogenic substances and also potentanti-inflammatory proteins were found, including the IL-10 and IL-1 receptor. There was sound experimental and clinical evidence that AMpossesses antiangiogenic and antimicrobial properties.