Vitiligo is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind. Although notbeing life threatening or complicated by any serious internalmanifestations, it still represents one of the most troubling diseases toboth patient and physician. For the patient, it is a very serious diseasewith serious psychological implications. For the physician, it is a verydifficult disease to treat with unpredictable prognosis. Catecholamines arechemical compounds derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Their name isderived from the fact that they contain catechol and amine moieties. Theyare water-soluble and are 50% bound to plasma proteins, so they circulatein the blood stream. They have been implicated in many dermatoses, buttheir role in the etiopathogenesis of vitiligo still remains largely obscure.Our aim is to evaluate the role of the neural factor in the pathogenesis ofvitiligo by measuring catecholamines and their metabolites in the plasmaand urine of patients suffering from vitiligo and to correlate these factorswith the onset and the activity of the disease.