ThesisComposite cartilage versus perichondriumtympanoplasty in recurrent perforation due toeustachian tube dysfunction
ThesisComposite cartilage versus perichondriumtympanoplasty in recurrent perforation due toeustachian tube dysfunction
ThesisThe early outcome of cartilage shield T-tube tympanoplasty in cases that need prolonged middle ear ventilation
ThesisThe early outcome of cartilage shield T-tube tympanoplasty in cases that need prolonged middle ear ventilation
ThesisComparison of posterior tympanomeatal flap versus anterior tympanomeatal flap techniques in anterior tympanic membrane perforations grafted by the mediolateral tympanoplasty
ThesisComparison of posterior tympanomeatal flap versus anterior tympanomeatal flap techniques in anterior tympanic membrane perforations grafted by the mediolateral tympanoplasty
ThesisMyringoplasty with and without cortical mastoidectomy in treatment of non-cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media : A comparative study
ThesisMyringoplasty with and without cortical mastoidectomy in treatment of non-cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media : A comparative study
ThesisPost-operative evaluation of middle turbinate medialization versus basal lamella relaxing incision in endoscopic sinus surgery
ThesisPost-operative evaluation of middle turbinate medialization versus basal lamella relaxing incision in endoscopic sinus surgery
ThesisEvaluation of modified Lothroptechnique versus endoscopic frontalrecess surgery in recurrent frontalsinusitis
ThesisEvaluation of modified Lothroptechnique versus endoscopic frontalrecess surgery in recurrent frontalsinusitis