Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute, major, life-threateningcomplication of diabetes. In this study sixty patients were included;history, clinical examination and laboratory investigations wereperformed, diabetic ketoacidosis is the most serious acutecomplication of type 1 diabetes. In DEMPU 38.7% are new and61.3% are known cases, majority are severe but degree of acidosisis more intense in the newly diagnosed cases. Risk factorsprecipitating DKA are most importantly delayed diagnosis innewly diagnosed cases and insulin omission with infection in oldcases.Because treatment is costly and because the risk for morbidityremains even under the best circumstances, therefore, a major goalof clinical teams is to prevent ketoacidosis by early diagnosis ofdiabetes in new patients, and by appropriate treatment ofintercurrent disease in patients with known diabetes, combinedwith family involvement and psychological interventions, asnecessary. This can be achieved by increasing awareness of publicand health professionals for timely recognition and diagnosis ofdiabetes, as well as continuous education and motivation targetingfactors that precipitate ketosis, most importantly issues related tothe availability and the proper use of insulin.Also we conclude that the protocol applied in this study hadbeen found easy, safe and efficient. More ever, the insulin regimenwas effective to correct hyperglycemia, inhibit lipolysis andketogenesis.