Vitamins are organic compounds that are biologically active and indispensable for normal physiologic functions. Vitamins do not have a direct role as an energy source, but they act as coenzymes of cellular metabolic processes essential for the adequate functioning and growth of tissues. As essential nutrients, they must be supplied exogenously. In developed countries, vitamin deficiencies are usually the result of metabolic or organic disorders, whereas hypervitaminosis is usually self induced. In developing countries, vitamin deficiencies are primarily linked to malnutrition. Either an excess or deficiency of particular vitamins may cause dermatologic disease. The vitamins are mainly classified into: (1) The fat soluble vitamins designated as A,D,E and K, and (2) water soluble vitamins known as B complex and C.Fat soluble vitamins include (A, D, E and K) which can be used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of some dermatological diseases as acne, psoriasis, disorders of keratinization and photocarcinogenic diseases.Water soluble vitamins include (C and B complex) which its main actions as antioxidant agents can be used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of some dermatological diseases as aging of the skin and skin cancer.