Background: Vacuum assisted closure (VAC) Therapy is a new modality for woundhealing therapy that can be readily integrated into the clinician’s wound healingpractice, to help optimize patient care. It is a flexible therapy in that, with appropriateprecautions in place, it may be used in most instances in both hospital and communitysettings. This advanced wound healing technology is coupled with microprocessorcontrolledtherapy units, specialized dressings, and 24 hours a day, 7 days a weektechnical back-upMaterials and Methods: This study was carried on from March 2012 till September2013 on 50 patients of different age groups and different etiologies to assess theefficacy of the locally made VAC system. All patients were subjected to initialassessment and patients' exclusion was based on the presence of contraindication ofapplication of the VAC therapy. Dressings had been changed every 48 to 72 hours; butno less than 3 times per week. Reassessment of the patient general condition & theprogress of therapy at the beginning & every 2 weeks to evaluate the wound regardingthe size, granulation tissue, its type either healthy or not and the presence of woundinfection.Results: Regarding the wound infection, the study include 50 (100%) patients with 25(50%) patients had no infection & 25 (50%) patients with infected wounds at the timeof start of the therapy. By the end of the study 47 (94%) patients had no infection & 3(6%) still having wound infection which gives (P value 0.000) which is highlysignificance for improvement of wound infection during the treatment. Regarding theimprovement of granulation tissue formation; 37 (88.1%) patients reach 100%granulation by the end of treatment which gives (P value 0.000) highly significance forgranulation tissue formation. Regarding the wound size reduction, the mean woundsize at the start of therapy was 16.88 cm & by the end of therapy it was 12.12 cmwhich gives (P value 0.000) which is highly significance for wound size reduction.Conclusion: The use of locally made VAC system has proven to ease some of theeconomic burden of the complicated wounds by promoting a favorable wound-healingenvironment, decreasing the need for frequent dressing changes, improving patientcomfort, and reducing associated costs. The technique is simple and cost effective andpermits these wounds to be managed in a non emergent fashion and allows for medicalstabilization and optimization of these patients