
Study of the possible mechanisms of action of atorvastatin in an air-pouch model of inflammation induced in rats


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023






Awadh, Hesham A. , Shafiq, Amani N. , Khudhair, Mussttafa M.


Damouna, Gamal Muhammad


2017-07-12 06:42:15


2017-07-12 06:42:15


M.Sc. Thesis


Background: Statins exert favorable effects on lipoprotein metabolism but may also possess anti-inflammatory effects. Several reports have described the ability of statins to suppress acute and chronic inflammations. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the anti-inflammatory effect of atorvastatin in the rat air-pouch model of inflammation and whether its action is on mevalonate pathway, affecting vascular permeability or beta receptors regulation. Method: An air-pouch model of inflammation was induced in rats by injection of 1ml of carrageenan 1% into the back air-pouch under diethyl ether anesthesia. The animals were randomly assigned into three main groups .Group 1 Control rats; Group 2 Air pouch inflammation model; Group 3 Normal healthy rats were used to study the effects of atorvastatin on beta-receptor. Treatment with atorvastatin, mevalonate and propranolol was given two hours before carragenan injection. The C-reactive protein, tumour necrosis factor alpha, total leucocytic counts, exudates volume and ECG parameters were measured at 1& 2 weeks from the start of the experiment. Results: Atorvastatin showed significant (P<0.05) reduction in the level of CRP, TNF α, Leukocytes migration and improve tissue pathological scoring at 1& 2 weeks. Mevalonate alone showed non- significant change in the inflammatory parameters. Combined treatment of atorvastatin and mevalonate showed significant (P<0.05) reduction in the anti-inflammatory effect of atorvastatin compared to atorvastatin alone.Atorvastatin showed significant reduction in the vascular permeability measured by exudate volume at 1 & 2 weeks. Propranolol alone showed increase in the inflammation response evident by significant (P<0.5) increase in the leukocytes migration with insignificant increase in the level of CRP, TNF, compared to untreated model. Combined treatment of atorvastatin and propranolol showed significant (P<0.05) reduction in the anti-inflammatory effect of atorvastatin compared to atorvastatin alone.The ECG parameters measured in all control rats showed no changes except for the propranolol subgroup that showed significant prolongation in RR and PR intervals and significant reduction in the HR. In the air pouch model of inflammation there was significant reduction in propranolol response compared to control normal rats. Combined treatment of atorvastation and propranolol did not reverse the reduction in response to propranolol as evidenced by ECG parameters Conclusion: The current study proved that atorvastatin has anti-inflammatory effect. Mevalonate pathway, vascular permeability and beta receptors were involved in the inflammatory mechanism. It was observed that atorvastatin has not reversing the down regulation of beta receptor induced by inflammation.


1 Jan 2012





Created At

31 Jan 2023