This study was done to prospectively investigate the effects of indwelling urinary catheter placement during cesarean delivery. Trying to avoid or minimize the possibility of urinary tract infection and discomfort offering a better quality of life for those patients.RCT was performed at the maternity wards of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Shebin Elkom Teaching Hospital from June 2010 to December 2011.A total of 60 patients, fulfilling the inclusion criteria, were enrolled in this study. They were allocated randomly into one of two groups (1 and 2) . All women were encouraged to void before being taken to operating theatre table. In Group 2 (n=30), women were routinely catheterized. The catheter was removed approximately 12 hours after surgery whereas, in group 1 (n=30), cesarean section was carried out without urethral catheterization.Cesarean sections were performed under spinal or general anesthesia. Procedure was instituted in the standard manner via modified Pfannenstiel incision. In all cases, transverse lower uterine segment incision was performed. During and after the operation, 1-2 liters of N/S or Ringer lactate solution was infused. In the recovery room patients were monitored closely.