There are many forms of optic nerve traumatic injuries including; optic nerve avulsion, direct injury, indirect injury, traumatic optic neuropathy that occurs in setting of orbital hemorrhage and orbital emphysema are also rare causes of optic nerve traumatic injuries. The diagnosis of traumatic optic neuropathy is primarily clinical. Diagnostic imaging of the head, orbit and adenexa including plain-film radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are of great value in localizing the site of optic nerve injury. Visual field assessment and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are other modalities that may be used to evaluate the traumatized eye with possibility of optic nerve injury. The management of optic nerve traumatic injuries is controversial with no clear consensus. The therapeutic options can be medical or surgical. Neither corticosteroids therapy nor optic nerve canal decompression should be considered the standard of care for patient with traumatic optic neuropathy. It is reasonable for clinicians to decide whether to initiate treatment on an individual patient basis.