Evaluation of the use of thin catheters for Hysterosalpingography andcomparing them with the traditional metal cannula in reducing painexperienced during the procedure.This study was conducted in Manshyet Elbakry hospital, Radiologydepartment from 2011 to 2013 on 60 infertile women in the child bearingperiod undergoing tubal patency test through HSG for evaluation of pain scoreduring the Introduction of the catheter and during the injection of dye and forefficiency of the new technique in filling the uterine cavity with the dye andstudying fallopian tubes.During the introduction of the catheter, most cases experienced milddiscomfort in the study group while they showed moderate to severe pain in thecontrol group. The mean VAS was 12.0±2.2 in the IUI cannula group, 18.1±3.3in the Pediatric foley’s catheter group and 55.3±6.0 in the metal cannula group(p < 0.0001). During the dye injection, the mean VAS was 11.7±3.0 in IUIcannula group, 19.9±3.0 in Pediatric foley’s catheter group and 68.4±9.1 in theMetal cannula group (p < 0.0001).The new technique was found to be a successful method to visualise theuterine cavity and tubes in all the cases.