Demonestration of the incidence of cesarean section in Kasr El AiniObstetrics and Gynecology hospital from January 2008 till December2012 in an attempt to define the causes of the increased cesarean sectionrate ,indications and complications of caesarian section.The study was conducted in Kasr El Aini Obstetrics andGynecology hospital. Records of women who underwent cesareansections at the Obstetrics department from the 1st of January 2008 to the31st of December 2012were retrospectively reviewed. Which takes intoaccount characteristics such as age, parity, period of gestation, laborstatus, indication of cesarean delivery, co morbidities, complications andmortality.Cesarean deliveries were performed with an incidence of 38.84%in2008 ,37.88% in 2009 ,39.08% in 2010 ,37.72% in 2011and 41.17% in2012 Repeat cesarean section is the main indication, large proportion ofpatients were having previous one cesarean with an incidence of about43.5% in the past 5 years.