This study was carried out on 30 patients, aged from 1-3 years, and who suffered sequelae of hypoxic-ischemic insult. Results of the study revealed that: according to the motor development; 25 cases had quadriplegia, 4 were diplegic & one was hemiplegic. While according to their mental development; 26had mental retardation while 4 were of normal mentality. A scoring system for cranial CT scan & visual function was done for each case.Visual function was scored by assessing: the visual acuity, ocular motility, optokinetic nystagmus & squint.With regards visual findings; 15 cases (50%) had good visual acuity, while 15 (50%) had poor visual acuity. Ocular motility was affected in only one patient, 12 (48%) had optokinetic nystagmus abnormality & 19 (76%) had squint.All the above findings were present among quadriplegic patients & not among the diplegic nor the hemiplegic patients indicating that the severity of visual affection correlates with the severity of the brain lesion.Likewise visual function affection was more severe among those with delayed mentality.