Background and Methods: This is a prospective study entailing random sampleof population both males and females, children and adults in Damiatta city fordetection of carrier cases of beta-thalassemia for prevention of further births of betathalassemiapatients in Damietta with its physical, social and financial burden.Increasing awareness about the disease was our second objective.Results :Our study was carried out on a random sample of 1004 subjects inDamietta with a mean age of 18.6 years±13.4.Red blood cell indices was done for allour subjects .High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was done for thosewith M.C.V. less than 80 fl. It was found that 633 subjects(63.05%) had microcytosis,out of them 52 subjects(5.18 %) had hemoglobin F >1% , 32 subjects(3.19) hadhemoglobin A2 >3.5% and out of them 6 subjects(0.6%) had both hemoglobin F > 1%and hemoglobin A2 > 3.5 %Conclusion: The carrier rate of β-thalassemia in Damietta was found to be 7.77%.This highlights the need for implementing premarital and antenatal screeningprograms for this common autosomal inherited disease