
Intraocular pressure measurement using different techniques in normal eyes and post lamellar refractive surgery : A comparative clinical study


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023






Abou-Stait, Mahmoud , Husni, Muhammad H. , Ewais, Wael


Shousha, Sherin Mussttafa Abd-Allah


2017-07-12 06:40:20


2017-07-12 06:40:20


M.Sc. Thesis


Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement post Lasik is a great debate, a large number of studies addressed. No previous studies as regards IOPmeasurement after Epilasik. To determine accuracy of IOP measurement after Lasik and Epilasiksurgeries using Goldmann applanation (GAT), Air puff tonometry,Ocular response analyzer (ORA IOPcc) and Pentacam corrected IOP. This is a prospective comparative clinical study that was conducted on 60eyes in the interval between February 2011 and September 2011 dividedinto 4 groups:(A) 20 corneas of patients before undergoing Lasik surgery,(B) 20 corneas of the same patients two months after Lasik surgery, (C) 10corneas of patients before undergoing Epilasik surgery, (D) 10 corneas ofthe same patients two months after Epilasik surgery. Patients’ age rangedfrom 20-50 years.IOP was measured prior to and after the suitablerefractive surgery done using Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT), airpuff tonometry and Ocular response analyzer (corneal compensated IOP).Pentacam was used pre and post operative to measure both IOP and thecentral corneal thickness. Significant positive linear correlations were found between preoperativeIOP values measured by GAT (App pre) and air puff tonometry (Air puffpre), Pentacam corrected IOP (Pentacam pre), ocular response analyzerIOPcc (ORA pre), as well as central corneal thickness (Pach pre) in Lasikpatients "group A" .The correlation between each of Pentacam pre andORA pre was the strongest to the GAT (r=0.97 and r=0.858 respectivelywith p˂ 0.001, Compared to the preoperative values, postoperative IOPmeasured by the four methods were significantly lower in both Lasik andEpilasik patients . The difference was significantly evident when the IOPwas measured using the GAT and Air puff tonometry (median > 6 mmHgfor Lasik patients, about 2 mmHg for Epilasik patients), compared to ORAand Pentacam corrected IOP (median ±1 mmHg for both the Lasik andEpilasik patients) “p ˂ 0.001 for Lasik patients and 0.017 for Epilasikpatients”, Non significant correlations has been shown between the degreeof lowering of postoperative IOP and postoperative pachymetry (centralcorneal thickness) (Pach post) values in both Lasik (group B) and Epilasik(group D) patients. Refractive surgery causes significant lowering of IOP measured usingGAT, Airpuff tonometry, ORA and Pentacam. Lasik has more effect onfallacies of IOP measurement post refractive surgery than Epilasik.


1 Jan 2012





Created At

31 Jan 2023