Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder thataffects approximately 5% of all women. It occurs amongst all races andnationalities, is the most common hormonal disorder among women ofreproductive age, and is a leading cause of infertility.The principal features are weight problems, lack of regularovulation and/or menstruation, and excessive amounts or effects ofandrogenic (masculinizing) hormones. The symptoms and severity of thesyndrome vary greatly among women. While, the causes are unknown,insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated withPCOS.Common symptoms of PCOS include: (i) Oligomenorrhea,amenorrhea (irregular, few, or absent menstrual periods). (ii) Infertility,generally resulting from chronic anovulation (lack of ovulation). (iii)Hirsutism (excessive and increased body hair, typically in a male patternaffecting face, chest and legs). (iv) Hair loss appearing as thinning hair onthe top of the head. (v) Acne, oily skin, seborrhea. (vi) Obesity: one oftwo women with PCOS is obese. (vii) Depression and deepening ofvoice.The use of tamoxifen for ovulation induction may be considered as analternative to clomiphene citrate especially in cases resistant toclomiphene citrate. Sixty female patients with polycystic ovarian diseasewith mean age 30 years completed the study. All patients in the studywere complaining of inability to conceive and menstrual irregularities inthe form of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea. These 60 patients are dividedthe three groups each group includes 20 patients. The three groups arenamely: Group A: includes 20 patients who take 10 mg Tamoxifen perxiday from 3-7 day of the menstrual cycle. Group B: includes 20 patientswho take 20 mg Tamoxifen per day from 3-7 day of the menstrual cycle,and Group C: includes 20 patients were controlled.The features of the three groups are described by, personalcharacteristics (age, weight, .. Etc), the clinical characteristics (FSH, LHDHEAS level, …etc), complaints (infertility, oligomenorrhea, andhirsutism), and finally compared regarding the clinical outcome (ovulationand presence of leading follicles). From our results we can conclude that:Tamoxifen 20 mg given patients group shows the success of ovulation by30 %. Tamoxifen 10 mg given patients group shows the success ofovulation by 20 %. On the other hand, the Control group did not showany success.