Biliary atresia is the most common cause of neonatal liver disease resulting in biliary obstruction and hepatic fibrosis, this study was conducted to study the management of cases of biliary atresia who received Kasai operation and have recurrent jaundice, we studied 20 cases so as to clarify whether redo kasai or liver transplantation will provide the appropriate solution for such cases. Methods of Study: 20 patients with extra-hepatic biliary atresia that received Kasai operation and has recurrent Jaundice were studied in the Paediatric Surgical Unit; New Children’s Teaching Hospital, Cairo University, between April and December 2013,10 patients underwent redo Kasai, follow up of the level of bilirubin and no. Of attacks of cholangitis post operative, follow up the patients for 6 months after operation. Conclusion: Extra hepatic biliary atresia, the disease which end by liver cirrhosis, in selected cases with biliary atresia, redo-Kasai is still valuable in the era of liver transplantation, liver transplantation is the hope for those who don’t respond to kasai operation. Recommendation: Development of Paediatric liver transplantation centres in Egypt for treatment of Paediatric biliary atresia.