Background: The combination of valve and coronary arterydisease(CAD) is a challenging pathology for surgical treatment. In recent years an increasing number of patients suffering from such coexisting pathologies have been offered cardiac surgery, mainly because of the aging of the population of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) candidates. Patients and methods: 30 patients subjected to concomitant surgery for their valvular and ischemic heart disease were included in the study. We documented their preoperative variables, the surgical technique followed, and the postoperative course during the ICU and ward stay, with associated mortality and morbidity. Results: The study included 19 males with a mean age of 44.2± 5 years (range 40 to77) and 11 femaleswith a mean age of 46±5 years (range 42 to 72). For patients with IHD and isolated mitral valve disease, 12 patients had CABG + MVR; while 5 had CABG + MV repair. For those with IHD and isolated aortic valve disease, all the 10 patients had CABG + AVR. Concerning the 3 patients with IHD and both mitral and aortic valve pathologies, 2 of them had CABG + AVR + MV repair, while only 1 patient had CABG + double valve replacement (DVR). The total number of distal anastomoses was 58, 21 of them was LIMA to the LAD, while a SVG was used to bypass a critical stenosis in the LAD only 3 patients. A SVG was used to bypass a critical anastomosis in coronaries other than the LAD in 34 occasions. 37 proximal anastomoses were done, all in the form of an aorto- SVGanastomosis. Conclusion: combined V/CABG surgery carries a greater risk than surgery for either pathology alone. Risk increases with female sex and advanced age. Surgery for CABG and IMR carries the greatest risk.