Conservative percutaneous drainage was only suitable for 6 of 43 LDLT patients and one of 10 OLT patients, which are 7 of 53 patients with biliary complications (13.2 %). All these patients improved. Endoscopic therapies were successful in 9 of 9 OLT patients (100%), while they were only successful in 19 of 32 patients (59 %) in the LDLT group. For both groups combined the success was in 28of 40 patients (68%). Percutaneous transhepatic therapies were successful in 7 of 11 patients in both groups (63.3 %). Surgery was needed for 11 out of 55 (43 LDLT and 12 OLT) biliary complications (20%). For those 11 who underwent surgery, desired outcomes were seen in 7 patients (63.6).