Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the vestibular evoked myogenicpotential (VEMP) in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media before and aftersurgery.Subjects and Methods: This study was conducted on 20 patients with chronicotitis media preoperatively and postoperatively and 20 controls. All subject ageranged from 20 to 50 years. Each subject underwent history taking, otologicexamination, basic audiological evaluation, air and bone conducted vestibularevoked myogenic potentials.Results: All perforated ears showed a lost air conduction VEMP response preoperativelywithout post-operative improvement. This could be due to absence ofany statistically significant differences between the pre-operative and postoperativeair bone gaps at all of the tested frequencies. Bone conduction VEMPwas preserved in all CSOM cases pre-operatively and post-operatively. There wereno statistically significant differences between the air conduction and boneconduction VEMP parameters in the controls except for statistically significantsmaller P13-N23 amplitude of bone conduction VEMP compared to the airconduction VEMP. There was no statistically significant difference between thepre-operative perforated ears of CSOM cases and their controls regarding boneconduction P13, N23 latencies or P13-N23 amplitude. There was a statisticallysignificant delayed P13 latency and statistically significant greater P13-N23amplitude of bone conduction VEMP post-operatively than pre-operatively. Butthere was no statistically significant difference between preoperative andpostoperative bone conduction N23 VEMP latency or IAAD. Bone conductionVEMP results were preoperatively affected by the ABG and bone conduction, butnot post-operatively.Conclusion: Air conduction VEMP in patients with chronic suppurative otitismedia showed a zero % response rate pre-operatively that has not changed postoperatively.While bone conduction VEMP showed a 100% response rate pre andpost-operatively. So we recommend using bone rather than air conduction VEMPfor assessment of the sacculo-collic reflex in patients with chronic suppurativeotitis media.