Background: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most commoninner ear cause of dizziness with mostly unknown etiology. Objective: The aim ofthis study was to elucidate an association of osteopenia / osteoporosis, as a disease ofdisturbed calcium metabolism, with idiopathic BPPV. Methods: Twenty six patients(age ranged from 24 to 60 years) with a confirmed diagnosis of idiopathicBPPV(IBPPV) underwent Dual-energy x-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) to assess thebone mineral density (BMD) of lumbar, hip and forearm regions. The BMD and TheDXA T scores were compared with those of 36 age and sex matched control subjectsselected randomly not complaining of dizziness. The duration and frequency ofBPPV were compared with The DXA scan T score. Results: The prevalence ofosteopenia / osteoporosis in the study group (76.9%) was higher than that in thecontrol group (52.7%). When compared with the control group, patients with IBPPVhad a significant lower BMD of lumbar and hip regions as well as a significant lowerT score in lumbar region only. There was insignificant correlation between durationof complaint and frequency of BPPV attacks and osteopenia / osteoporosis.Conclusion: Disturbance in calcium metabolism in osteopenia and osteoporosismight be associated with idiopathic BPPV. The lumbar DXA scan T score is morereliable in the diagnosis of osteopenia / osteoporosis in IPBBV. Further research isneeded in the effectiveness of restoring normal calcium metabolism on preventingrecurrence of BPPV.