Remarkable, long-lasting, natural improvements in the size and shape of a breast are possible with a specific technique of fat grafting. When harvested and refined with minimal trauma can remain viable and provide a structure and shape to the breast that cannot be achieved with implants alone or with other types of surgery. Autologous fat grafting to the breast can be used for simple aesthetic augmentation of the breast, correction of breast asymmetry, correction of breast deformities, as an adjunct or primary tool in breast reconstruction, and for soft-tissue coverage of breast implants. Fat grafting using this technique appears to be as safe as and perhaps even more effective than many other methods of changing the contour of the breast. After fat grafting to the breast, fat necrosis may occur, calcifications or cysts will occasionally result, and lumps will sometimes be palpable, as with every other surgical manipulation of the breast. The exact incidence of calcifications after fat grafting to the breasts remains to be determined, but the postoperative mammographic changes are similar to those seen with other breast procedures.