Low vision or partial sight is defined as reduced central acuity or visual field loss with the best optical correction provided by regular lenses.Blind person is that who has visual acuity 3/60 or worse, or has visual acuity 6/60 or worse with markedly restricted fields.Patient with partial sight is that who has visual acuity 3/60 to 6/60 with full visual field, or has visual acuity 6/24 or worse with moderate field constriction, or 6/18 or better with gross field defect.Approximately 6 million people in the united states have a restricted visual field or a visual acuity of 20/70 that can’t be improved medically, surgically, or by either standard glasses or contact lenses. Of these, more than half are 65 years of age or older. The American national center for health statistics reported that visual impairments had the second highest rate and the largest increase in rate per thousand population.As a result of increasing mean age, the incidence of age-related macular degeneration is increasing & has become the most common cause of low vision and blindness among older persons.Patients of low vision are divided into 2 groups : a favorable group that consists of those diseases that seem more amenable to improvement of visual acuity with special visual aids, this group include: Albinism, macular degeneration, nystagmus, degenerative myopia. Unfavorable group consists of diseases that are less amenable to improvement and includes: retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and optic atrophy.Low vision patients should be examined by proper history taking, measuring visual acuity for near and for far using special charts designed for low vision patients, refraction, visual field, and contrast sensitivity.Low vision aids are defined as devices that enhance the visual performance. It’s either optical aids through providing magnification as microscopic lenses, hand and stand magnifiers, telescopic lenses, telescopes, or non optical aids as lighting, pinholes, stenopic slits, and reading and writing aids, and absorptive filter lenses. Recent LVAs as C.C.T.V and intra - ocular low vision aids as telescopic IOL and prismatic IOL are introduced. Rehabilitation of low vision patients is achieved by environmental and social issues and functional rehabilitation. It is important to begin the rehabilitation process as soon as possible as early intervention is important to avoid withdrawal, isolation, and depression. Low vision aids are essential and effective in low vision clinic. It improve the visual acuity and help the development of special education through visual rehabilitation.