Objective: To study the effect of autogenous bone marrowtransplantation in the treatment of non union and delayedunion of fractures.Methods: Altogether 30 paents with non union and delayedunion of fractures were injected with autogenous bonemarrow. Scoring for healing and correlation of healing of nonunion and delayed union of fractures with age, sex, smoking,site of fracture, type of fracture, presence of infection, lines oftreatment before injection of autogenous bone marrow,healing time and the time between injury and autogenous bonemarrow injection.Results: The overall healed paents were 26 paents (86.67%).In our study, the patient's age, time between initial injury andmarrow transplantation, male gender and smoking wereinversely proportional to healing after bone marrowtransplantation.The number of marrow injections increase with increasingpatient's age, time between initial injury and marrow injection,smoking and upper limb affection.Conclusion: Autogenous bone marrow transplantation can besuccessfully used in the treatment of non union and delayedunion of fractures. It was safe, easy, cheep, can be repeatedand did not need general anaesthesia.