Introduction: Headache is the most prevalent pain disorder, affecting 66%of the global population and thereby it represents a major health problem,disturbing both quality of life and work productivity. Transcranial magneticstimulation (TMS) of the brain proved to be a useful tool to perform anoninvasive stimulation of the cortical areas. In particular, repetitive transcranialmagnetic stimulation (rTMS) allows modulating cortical activity.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of high-frequencyrTMS over left DLPFC in treating patients with primary chronic daily headaches(chronic tension type headache and chronic migraine).Methods: twenty seven patients participated in the study, divided into twogroups: a study group (sixteen patients) and a control group (eleven patients).Treatment consisted of twelve high frequency (5Hz) real rTMS sessions, deliveredto the study group over left DLPFC, every other day excluding weekends,. ShamrTMS was used for the control group. Measures of attack frequency, headacheintensity and headache index (outcome measures) were recorded before and aftertreatment.Results: Patients of the study group, after real rTMS stimulation, showed astatistically highly significant reduction of the measured headache parameterscompared to the control group with (P-value< 0.001) and the percentage ofimprovement = 94.5%. No significant reduction of headache parameters, aftersham rTMS stimulation, was observed in the control group with (P-value > 0.05)and percentage of improvement = 7.9%.Conclusion: High-frequency rTMS is effective in reducing chronic tensionheadache and chronic migraine. This finding runs with the approval of thesuggested role of DLPFC in pain control. This might open opinions for newtreatment strategies in tension type headache and migraine prevention.