There has been great interest in the last few years in the pathogenesis ofdiabetic vascular complications. Diabetic subjects exhibit a high prevalenceof accelerated atherosclerosis; the exact etiology of the pathogenesis of thisis uncertain but numerous observations support the theory that chronic lowgradeinflammation is involved in the progression of atherosclerosis. Afeature of inflammatory activity is the increase in circulating plasmaconcentrations of acute-phase proteins produced by the liver, one of the mostsensitive acute-phase proteins is high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP).The present study was conducted on 80 subjects divided into 3 groups:Group I (controls) which included 20 healthy non-diabetic subjects; Group IIwhich included 20 diabetic subjects without vascular complications andGroup III which included 40 diabetic subjects with vascular complications.A Detailed history, thorough physical and clinical examination andradiological investigations including ophthalmoscopic examination, ECG,abdominal ultrasound, duplex examination and CT scan (only for patientswith ischemic stroke) were performed for each subject included in the study.A fasting blood sample was collected from each subject for determination ofF.B.S., HBA1c, total cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, urea, uric acid,ALT, AST and hsCRP. After oral glucose meal of 75 g glucose, anotherblood sample was collected for determination of PP.B.S. Urine samples werecollected for detection of microalbuminuria.Statistical analysis was performed to demonstrate any relation betweendiabetic vascular complications and those laboratory profiles.Concerning F.B.S., PP.B.S. and HBA1c, they were significantly higher inGroup III when compared to both Group I and Group II and also betweenGroup II when compared to Group I. As regard triglycerides, microalbuminuria and hsCRP, they weresignificantly higher in Group III when compared to both Group I and GroupII.There was a statistically significant positive correlation between hsCRP andmicroalbuminuria in diabetic patients within Group III.In conclusion, elevated plasma levels of inflammatory markers, especiallyhsCRP, were independent predictors of type 2. The findings of the presentstudy support the hypothesis that low-grade systemic inflammation is anunderlying factor in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. These findings mayhave important implications for the prevention and treatment of type 2diabetes.