The Ponseti technique is rapidly becoming the most widelypracticed method for treatment of congenital clubfeet in infants. It is aneasy technique to learn and, when applied accurately, yields excellentresults.Good results have been demonstrated at multiple centers and longtermresults indicate that foot function is comparable with that of normalfeet.Our study included 50 children (80 feet) older than two years ofage, the mean age at beginning of casting was 2.3 week with meannumber of serial casting 10.8 casts, they were assessed by pirani scoringsystem and the results were a mean total score of 0.5, MFS 0.1 and HFS0.4, the radiographic measurement of talo calcaneal angle on dorsoplanter view and lateral view and tibio calcaneal angles were respectivelyas an average of 34o, 35o and 91o degree.The pirani scoring system is a valid method for assessement ofcorrection and relapsing of club foot and there is a correlation betweenpirani score and talo calcaneal and tibio calcaneal anglesThe Ponseti method was applied with good success and excellentresults.