
Study of cases of firearms fatalities in ELFayoum Governorate During 7 years period (2000-2006) : Retrospective Study


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology


Abdel-Al, Aly G., El-Ghamri, Huda A., Ghaleb, Sherin S.


Ahmad, Tareq Muhammad


2017-04-26 12:06:02


2017-04-26 12:06:02


M.Sc. Thesis


Regrettably, the use of firearms in criminal activities appears to beIncreasing, even where strict legal controls on guns have traditionally keptSuch injuries to a minimum. In other countries such as the UAS, firearms areThe most common mode of death in homicides.The Gunshot injuries are one of the most important types of injuries whichRequire a well trained & expertise Forensic Examiner to identify them.The Forensic Examiner dose not have to be A weapons expqrt to interpret Gunshot pathology correctly, but because the bullets fired from handgunsAnd rifles produce gunshot wounds, a forensic pathologist should at least beFamiliar with the nomenclature and operation of commonly used guns andAmmunition.An error in any of these determinations can have far-reaching consequencesFon the family of the deceased, the accused, legal system and also for theForensic examiner himself.A study of all fatalities in El-Fayoum governorate during the period( 200-2006), the total number of cases was 71 cases ( 2.8 per 100,000Population), of which 43.7% were homicides, 7% were suicides and 22.5%Were Accidntal. Most victims were from young males (92.9%), most wereShot in the chest (29.6%) or abdomen and skull (25.4%) hand-made weaponWhere responsible for 77.5% of cases while hand guns were responsible for22.5% of cases. Hand-made weapons were found in most cases (84.6%) thatOccurs in Rural areas while (57.9%) were found in cases that occurs inUrban areas. Most of homicide cases 28.2% were due to quarrel betweenDifferent families, reveng (18.3%), family problem (5.6%), killing withRubbery (4.2%). The present study confirms those fatal gunshot woundCharacteristics of other literature reports. however, difference have beenObserved with regard to type of weapon, motives and sites of wounds. thisMay be related to particular socio-cultural of the geographical areaAnalyzed.Our finding may support the argument that more strict firearm legislation isHelpful in limiting the number of firearm fatalities in the community.


1 Jan 2008





Created At

31 Jan 2023