Asthma is a relatively common chronic disease affectingapproximately 10% of the population (Howell, et al, 1995) and it places ahuge burden on society especially The mild persistent asthma whichaffects about 40-45% of all patients with persistent asthma (Balzano, etal., 2002). That emphasizes the importance of selecting the most effectivedaily controlling monotherapy from either inhaled corticosteroids whichconsidered to be the cornerstone of asthma therapy or leukotrienereceptor antagonists which are a common alternative or the Theophyllinewhich is a bronchodilator with anti-inflammatory effect.The aim of the present study is evaluating monotherapy withdifferent drugs (inhaled glucocorticosteroids, oral leukotriene receptorantagonist & S.R.theophylline) in Egyptian asthmatic children with mildpersistent asthma by determining the clinical and laboratory response(percentage of blood eosinophils and serum nitric oxide) as well as theeffect on their Spirometric parameters (FEV1% and PEFR%).