Surgery for lesions of the pituitary gland still represents a significant challenge, despite the highly refined nature of contemporary microsurgery, because the area In and around the pituitary gland is an area of the brain studded with vital anatomical structures .The use of conventional microsurgery for pituitary tumors also is made less effective by the fact that many parts of this area are hidden to the eyes of the surgical microscope. In practice it can be found that this defect can be compensated for by the intra-operative use of rigid lens endoscopes. In this study this concept has been applied for surgery of the pituitary gland through the use of three approaches namely the endoscopic assisted transsphenoid approach, the endoscopiclly assisted sub frontal approach and the endoscopically assisted pterional approach in 25 pituitary adenomas to visualize into the hidden areas of the brain which were found to be mainly the contra lateral Sylvain fissure, cavernous sinus, retrosellar area and the optic carotid recess of the sphenoid sinus.