Objectives: To detect the effect of premature ejaculation on female Sexual satisfaction, personality profile and to highlight the effect of premature ejaculation on female marital satisfaction.Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 100 married Egyptian male subjects and their females were recruited to participate in the study. The sample was divided into two groups: Group 1 included 50 male patients complaining of premature ejaculation for more than one year and their females and Group 2 (control group), included 50 normal subjects and their females. The 100 male subjects and their females were interviewed and the following questionnaires were administered (for males): Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool and (for females): Index of Marital Satisfaction, Sexual Satisfaction Scale and Eysenek Personality questionnaire. Results: In the comparison of PE score between cases and control there was a significant difference in premature ejaculation score, marital satisfaction index and in Sexual satisfaction scale. Moreover, the Eysenckpersonality questionnaire revealed a significant difference in psychoticism, neuroticism and criminality. However there was no difference in extraversion and lie scale.Conclusions: Premature Ejaculation affected female partners as well as male patients. Premature ejaculation score was inversely correlated with sexual satisfaction scale scores and with marital satisfaction scale scores. Sexual satisfaction scale and marital satisfaction index showed a significant direct correlation. While non-significant correlation was found between premature ejaculation and Eysenck Personality Profile scores.