
Expression of hepatocyte paraffin 1 antibody and vascular endothelial growth factor in hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic viral hepatitis : An immunohistochemcial study


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Tropical Medicine


Eisa, Suhair Z., El-Qadhi, Nabil M., El-Qadhi, Nabil M., El-Razeqi, Maysa E.


Salama, Rabab Maamoun


2017-04-26 12:05:13


2017-04-26 12:05:13


M.D. Thesis


The prognosis of HCC patients is generally very poor, that's why earlydetection of patients with HCC became attractive and beneficial.HCC is generally well known to be extensively vascularized and theoccurrence of primary intrahepatic and lung metastases suggests its mainlyhematogenous dissemination. Therefore, it is possible that angiogenesisplays a pivotal role during hepatocellular carcinogenesis.VEGF expression is significantly associated with a higher proliferativeindex and may characterize progression towards higher proliferation inhepatocarcinogenesis. Using immunohistochemistry, the expression ofVEGF is much stronger in tumor cells compared with hepatocytes in normal orcirrhotic liver and high expression of VEGF, especially under hypoxicconditions was reported in liver cirrhosis and viral hepatitis infection, whichboth predispose individuals to hepatocarcinogenesis.Hep Par 1 antibody has been reported to be a sensitive marker forHCC in paraffin embedded sections; its expression is confined primarily tobenign and malignant hepatocytes, it was shown to be up to 90% specific forhepatocytes in histologic specimens and is useful for differentiating HCC fromliver metastases.The aim of our study is to assess the expression of hepatocyte paraffin1(Hep Par 1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in liver biopsyspecimens of patients having hepatocellular carcinoma compared withpatients having chronic viral hepatitis (B or C) and liver cirrhosis to study theirclinical significance as possible markers for early prediction of malignancy inchronic viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis patients.The study was conducted on 20 CH, 30 LC, 30 HCC patients and 10metastatic patients considered as control. They were subjected to liverbiochemical profile, viral markers, abdominal US, together withimmunohistochemical studying of their liver biopsies using VEGF and Hep par 1. We concluded that VEGF is intense (>75%) in cirrhotic and HCCpatients, and chronic hepatitis patients can be considered to bepredisposed to malignancy, if they have intense expression of VEGF. VEGFexpression is less intense in liver metastases denoting that angiogenesismay be less in liver metastases than the original tumor.Diffuse expression of Hep Par 1 in chronic hepatitis and cirrhoticpatients can predict their predisposition to malignancy, as most of HCCpatients exhibit diffuse Hep par 1 expression. Hep Par 1 plays an importantrole in the differentiation between HCC and liver metastases beingnegatively expressed in all metastatic patients.


1 Jan 2007





Created At

31 Jan 2023