The present study was designated to measuremalondialdehyde (as a product or lipid peroxidation), ascorbiec acidand total vitamin C (chemicals known to be good scavengers of ROS)in gastric biopsies obtained from patients complaining of dyspepsiaand to evaluate results in view of histopathological changes of H.pylori colonization.Eighty patients (43 males and 37 females) were recruited fromthose undergoing gastrointestinal endoscope and devided into thefollowing groups.Ascorbic acid and total vitamin C showed significant elevationin patients with reflux esophagitis, gastroduodenitis, gastric and.This study has confirmed that cases with intestinal metaplasiaand gastric dysplasia showed significant elevation of MDA while theelevation in ascorbic acid and total vitamin C were in significant.That imbalance is suggested to play a role in development ofintestinal metaplasia and gastric dysplasia which considered as earlygastric adenocacinoma.