Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) has become a mainstay in themanagement of patients with vestibulopathy (VSP). Tai Chi (TC) haverecently gained popularity as a treatment paradigm for a variety of humanailments, including balance impairment. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the effects of Tai Chi practice on balance control when adultswith VSP join the TC practitioners. Fifty patients with VSP who werereferred for vestibular and balance rehabilitation – participated in ourstudy. Thirty patients received TC training (TC group) and twentypatients received systematic preset exercises program (VR group). Allpatients were evaluated before and after therapy by the sensoryorganization test (SOT), the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), andthe Vestibular Disorders Activities of the Daily Living scale (VADLs).Patients with unilateral vestibular hypo-function (UVH) in both the TCand VR groups had highly significant improvement after therapy asregards the SOT, DHI, and VADLs. However, the TC group hadsignificantly better SOT improvement than the VR group as regards theequilibrium score of conditions 5 and the vestibular ratio. No statisticallysignificant difference was obtained post therapy between the two groupsas regards the DHI and the VADLs. The post therapy results of the SOT,DHI, and VADLs were also better in the TC cases with BVH than the VRcase with BVH. Outcome measures of the TC and VR programshighlights the value of TC as an alternative therapy for patients with VSP