Benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) has been known for centuriesto be a cause of urinary dysfunction in men. This is a prospectively clinically designed study to compare the roleof selective alpha adrenergic receptor blockers alone versus combinationbetween selective α-adrenergic receptor blockers and 5α- reductaseenzyme inhibitors in relieving moderate to severe LUTS due to BPH. Duration of therapy was 6 months. Patients were men above 50 yearssuffering from symptoms that might be related to BPH, presenting withmoderate to sever LUTS with I-PSS more than 7 , patients were excludedfrom the study if they were having a confirming malignancy of theprostate, bladder cancer, and previous rectal surgery or irradiation…etc. Patients were subjected for a full urologic history and clinicalexamination, I-PSS is the standard questionnaire, quality of lifequestionnaire, sex score questionnaire (libido and potency )…etc. Patients were given either, doxazosin 4mg, and finasteride 5mg +doxazosin 4mg. Monthly follow up for all questionnaire, physical examination(including blood pressure measurement), urine analysis…etc. It was found that the combination therapy has more effiicacy thanmonotherapy for patients presenting with moderate to severe LUTS dueto BPH