Axillary lymph node dissection has long been the standardsurgical procedure as part of treatment for invasive breast cancer.The presence or absence of axillary metastases is still the single mostpowerful predictor of outcome. Axillary dissection, however, isaccompanied by considerable morbidity and there is a definitivecorrelation between the number of nodes excised and the severityof postoperative discomfort. Sentinel node biopsy has been developedduring recent years to stage the axilla. The status of the sentinel nodepredicts the status of the rest of the nodes in the node basin. Threedifferent methods have been used to identify the sentinel node inpatients with breast cancer: blue dye, lymphoscintigraphy andintraoperative use of a probe and a combination of these threemethods. In our study, the three methods are combined for thelocalization of the sentinel lymph node and our aim is to test ourability to localize the sentinel lymph node.