The present study included the evaluation of the clinical andhistopathological results of fat cells grafting in 80 cases with head andneck rejuvenation and reconstruction. The aim of the present thesis is theevaluation of the results of different autologous fat grafting techniques forhead and neck rejuvenation and reconstruction. The technique used for fatcell grafting including fat aspiration using manual syringe liposuctionmethod. The donor site was standardized from the iliac crest. The B-Dgun connected to a size (18 x 1½) metal needle used for injection.Injection was done in the form of streaks in both the subdermal and thesubcutaneous level. Injection was repeated with interval according to theclinical improvement of the patient. Preoperative, postoperative andfollow-up photographs were taken after 1 month, 3 months, and in somepatient up to one year. The results in fat cell grafting, both the clinical andhistopathological were good with minimal complication. The results ofthe washing and saving fat grafting techniques were superior to directinjection of aspirated fat technique in both the reconstruction andrejuvenation group. The best clinical results were obtained in therejuvenation group followed by postburn scarring of the head and neck.The histopathological results were obtained showed viable fat cells graftand revascularization in all cases.