Tuberculosis (TB) is an established occupational diseaseaffecting health care workers (HCWs). Determining the risk ofTB among HCWs is important to enable authorities to takepreventative measures in health care facilities and protectHCWs. This study was designed to assess the prevalence ofTB in a teaching hospital. It aims at determining theoccupational risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infectionamong a group of 103 healthcare workers at Cairo UniversityHospital. The study showed that 12(11.65%) nurses havetuberculin skin test positive, 4 had radiological changes, 2 ofthem presented with calcification, one with lower lobebronchiectatic changes and one with increasedbronchovascular markings suggestive of chronic obstructivepulmonary diseases. In conclusion, there is risk oftuberculosis transmission among health care workers at CairoUniversity Hospital, principally in ward nurses and in theemergency service nurses. The risk increases by long durationof employment and by advanced age.