Objective: In the present study we investigated the effect ofimplementation of rehabilitation program in the form of enduranceexercise training on the functional capacity, work performance and healthrelated quality of life in the maintenance hemodialysis patients.Methods: The interventional study was conducted on forty patientswith end stage renal disease -receiving maintenance hemodialysis for fourhours three times per week- volunteered with informed consent toparticipate in the rehabilitation program which consisted of three weeklysessions of walking on electronic treadmill held on nondialysis days. Thedropout was thirteen patients. No adverse effects of exercise trainingwere reported in the studied group including the dropout. The twentyseven patients (eighteen males and nine females) who completed therehabilitation program were subjected to full history taking includingkidney questionnaire, clinical examination, laboratory investigation, andcardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) pre & post training program.Results: significant improvement of functional capacity as assessedby maximal oxygen consumption percent of predicted (VO2max %) from57±12 to 73 ±11 (P<0.01), anaerobic threshold percent of VO2max (AT %)from 45 ±12 to 61±12 (P<0.01) and exercise time from 8.4 ±0.7 to10±0.2. Measurement of hemoglobin concentration, blood urea, serumcreatinine, lipid profile and blood pressure also improved significantly(P<0.05) after the exercise training. Conclusion: outpatientsupervised aerobic exercise training rehabilitation program for threemonths improved the functional capacity, work performance and healthrelated quality of life of ESRD patients.