Fadhel, Fattina E., Ahmad, Samar M., Aumar, Azza M.
El-Sunbatti, Marwa Mussttafa
2017-03-30 06:23:38
2017-03-30 06:23:38
M.Sc. Thesis
Volume status is important in controlling of blood pressure (BP) in hemodialysis patients. We determined the association of the intradialytic decrease in body weight and the intradialytic decrease in plasma volume by measuring the pre and post-dialysis blood pressure and plasma protein using the equation : ∆ PV = (PV pre – PV post)/ PV pre = p (TP post – TP pre) / TP post. We found a significant positive correlation between intradialytic change in blood pressure versus decrease in body weight and plasma volume. So we concluded that controlling volume status leads to control of blood pressure in children on chronic hemodialysis.