Objectives : This study is designed to compare prosthetic ring annuloplasty with repair by DeVega technique in cases with moderate and severe tricuspid incompetence.Method : This study included Forty patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation due to rheumatic left sided valve lesion .Operative correction of the left sided lesion was performed for all patients befor tricuspid repair. Regarding the tricuspid regurgitation, the patients were divided into 2 groups, each consists of 20 patients.The patients of group A, were having TR grade III and IV for which De Vega annuloplasty was done. Group B patients were having TR grade III and IV for which Carpentier ring annuloplasty was done .All patients were subjected to preoprative, early postoperative (after one to two weeks), intermediate postoperative (three months) and late postoperative (six months ) evaluation including clinical examination, liver function, ECG, chest X- ray and echocardiography.Results : After 3 months, postoperative evaluation revealed that 60%of patients without tricuspid regurgitation, while 25% had grade I, I0 % had grade II and 5% had grade III TR, in group A. In Group B, 75% of patients without tricuspid regurgitation, while 15% had grade I TR, After 6 months, postoperative evaluation revealed that 65%of patients without tricuspid regurgitation, while 20% had grade I, 10% had grade II and 5% had grade III TR, In group A. In group B, 85% of patients had no tricuspid regurgitation, while 15% had grade I .Conclusion : DeVega repair and Carpentier ring annuloplasty gave good results early postoperative, but Carpentier ring gave good results in late postoperative than DeVega repair especialy in patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation, severe pulmonary hypertension, and dilated right ventricle.