Adult flatfoot has been classified into a variety of congenital and acquired conditions, congenital Flexible flatfoot is present from birth and is more common in children than in adults, congenital rigid flatfoot is a least frequent type of flatfoot characterized by restricted subtalar motion. This type is seen with tarsal coalition and the accessory navicular. Aquired flatfoot in adults is most commonly due to Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (P.T.T.D.), also rheumatoid arthritis, orthosis, diabetes, neurological deficits and rupture planter fascia play a role in the developing of flatfoot.The clinical manifestations have been well documented, recent radiological studies include plain radiographs, sonar, bone scan, C.T and M.R.I are very important towels in the diagnosis of the condition. Conservative treatment includes: arch support, casting, custom orthosis. The surgical treatment includes: Soft tissue procedures and bony procedures. The goal of any procedure is to reestablish the inherently stable bony configuration with adequate soft tissue balance to maintain stability in the dynamic situation.