Background: Globally, 3-5% of world's population is suffering from hepatitisC virus. Consequently, the family caregiver may be substantially burdenedbecause in addition to financial constraints, the disease could be taxingphysically, socially, emotionally.Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the health related quality oflife in contacts of hepatitis C patients and to ascertain contact's perception andconcerns about current and future life with hepatitis C patient and to investigaterelationship between anxiety and depression among contacts.Methodology: It was cross sectional study conducted over 191 contacts ofhepatitis C patient, participants recruited from three hepatology centers in Cairoand Kafr-Elsheikh and one tropical hospital in Gharbia. and The participants’characteristics questionnaire, knowledge and attitude questionnaire, BeckDepression Inventory and General Anxiety Disorder seven score were used.Results: Most of contacts experienced mild to moderate anxiety with/withoutmild depression, several factors show statistically significant association withcontact anxiety including age, marital status and knowledge about prevention,HRQL found to be higher in the physical section (HRQL index = 84.1 + 18.1),on the other hand the mental health, bodily pain, social role functioning andvitality are moderately affected (HRQOL index = 76.1 + 23.1, 75.3 + 21.4, 707+ 19.4 and 63.6 + 16.9 correspondingly).Conclusion and Recommendation: the diagnosis of Hepatitis C had profoundimpact on contact's health and well being, it was evident that better diseaseknowledge could further helped them. One of the challenging roles of familyphysician is to screen for anxiety, depression and lower HRQoL thanpopulation norm.