Lateral epicondylitis is defined as a syndrome in which pain is present inthe area of lateral epicondyle. It is believed to be a degenerative processresulting in vascular proliferation and hyaline degeneration of theextensor carpi radialis brevis and extensor digitorum communis (commonextensor origin) at the lateral epicondyle.Corticosteroid injection at the maximal point of tenderness gave betterrelief in a shorter time. But the high recurrence rate after corticosteroidinjection however suggests that the effect is transient and produce onlysymptomatic relief. The maxium number of local injection ofcorticosteroid is 3 times of injections and there is no need to repeatinjection in a patient who had little positive effect.In plasma rich in platelets, delivery of derived growth factors to the siteof disease has also been shown to significantly help the healing process intennis elbow. These growth factors include platelet-derived growth factor,transforming growth factor Fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelialgrowth factor and epidermal growth factor. However scientific clinicalevidence supporting incorporation of such modalities into routine clinicalpractice is scanty at present.