Gultathione s. transferases (GSTs) are a family of isoenzymes that play an important role in protecting cells from cyctotoxic and carcinogenic agents. The proximal portion of the human kidney tubular system contains the alpha form, while the distal portion contains the Pi form of glutathione transferase. This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of Glutathione transferase enzyme in urine, serum IL-6, and serum IL-8 as markers of tubular dysfunction in patients with glomerulonephritis and post transplantation.We divided the patients into five groups, Group I consists of 30 adult patients with different types of glomerulonephritis and 15 paediatric patients, Group II, 10 of them only have tubulointerstitial nephritis while 5 were not. Group III 15 kidney transplant patients who were subjected to twice examination after one week and one month (Group IV) following the operation and finally 20 normal controls (Group V) [14 adults and 6 children]. Our patients were thouroughly examined and full lab. investigations including complete blood count ,liver function tests, serum uric acid, serum electrolytes, renal function tests,urine analysis, 24 hour urinary protiens, as well as examination of urinary glutathione transferase parameters : Glutathione transferase alpha, Pi and alpha and Pi excretion rates, serum IL-6 and IL-8 were done.We found that glutathione transferase alpha and Pi & their excretion