
Evaluation of anterior median cervical corpectomy in the management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023






Mansi, Amr A. , Quttb, Mussttafa W. , Kamel, Rami A.


Gad-El-Haq, Muhammad Mussttafa Kamal


2017-04-26 12:31:23


2017-04-26 12:31:23


M.D. Thesis


Objective: the aim of the work is to evaluate anterior median cervicalcorpectomy in management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. The resultswill hopefully be guidance to the advantages, disadvantages and limitationsof this approach, as well as defining the predictors of surgical outcome. Method: a retrospective study of 30 patients with cervical spondyloticmyelopathy managed by anterior median cervical corpectomy, autogenousstrut graft, and anterior cervical plating. All patients were subjected to fullclinical and neurological examinations, routine laboratory investigations,and radiological evaluations. The radiological evaluation include plain x-rayof the cervical spine anteroposterior and lateral views (preoperative,immediate postoperative, and at follow up), and MRI cervical spine axialand sagittal views for all cases as the main line of preoperative radiologicalevaluation, and for complication or faire outcome. All cases were subjectedto partial, one or more than one level anterior median cervical corpectomyand autogenous bone grafting. Anterior cervical fixation using titanium plateand screws will be applied to one level above and below the corpectomytrough. Postoperative evaluation includes neurological evaluation andradiological examination by cervical x-ray. Nurick’s gait disability scale andfunctional grading of the upper limb adapted from JOA were used to assessthe severity of myelopathy (pre and postoperatively).Results: in this series, 30 patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathyunderwent anterior median cervical corpectomy, autogenous strut grafting,and fixation using anterior cervical plate. The mean duration of myelopathywas 210.27 days. The average functional grading of the upper limb adaptedfrom JOA improved from 3.70 preoperative to 1.73 at the latest follow up,with average 1.97-grade improvement. The Nurick’s grade improvementwas from 3.77 preoperative to 1.60 postoperative with average 2.17 gradeimprovement. C4/5 was the commonest cervical level affect (83.3%). C5/6was the second cervical level affected (80.0%). C3/4 was the third cervicallevel affected (46.7%). C6/7 was the fourth cervical level affected (43.3%).C7/D1 was the sixth cervical level affected (3.3%). Partial corpectomy (1patient), one level corpectomy (15 patients), two levels of corpectomies (13patients), and three levels of corpectomies (1 patient) had been performed.Discectomies was performed in 2 patients (6.6%) at levels other than that oftheir corpectomies. Autogenous iliac bone graft was used in 29 patientswhile autogenous fibula graft was used in one patient. Locking plates wereinserted in 11 patients, while non-locking plates were inserted in 19 patients.Complications include recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in 1 patient (3.3%),5th nerve radiculopathy in 1 patient (3.3%), pull out of screws in 1 patient(3.3%), Transient dysphagia was found in all patients yet it was severe in 2patients (6.7%). Transient iliac graft pain was found in all patients yet it wassevere in 1 patient (3.3%) who had fracture of the anterior superior iliacspine. DVT was a complication in 1 patient (3.3%). The overall outcomes inthis thesis were 11 patients (36.7%) with excellent outcome, 16 patients(53.3) with good outcome. 3 patients (10%) with fair outcome.Conclusion: Anterior median cervical corpectomy is a direct and safeapproach for decompression of the anterior cervical canal. It can be used incervical spondylotic myelopathy in case of compression that extends beyondthe disc space behind the vertebral body. This technique can eliminate thecompressive effects seen with abnormal alignments such as kyphosis orspondylolisthesis. According to our statistical analysis, the most significantprognostic factor was transverse area of maximum compression, followed byseverity of myelopathy, duration of myelopathy, developmental diameter ofthe canal. High signal intensity of T2 weighted MRI sagittal view and agewere poor predictor of outcome. Number of levels of compression had norelation to outcome.


1 Jan 2007





Created At

28 Jan 2023