
Thoracic manifestations of Behcet’s disease by MSCT and CT angiography


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Radiology & Nuclear Medicine


Behairi, Nuha H. , Hamdi, Eiman M. , El-Gazzar, Eiman E.


Esmaeil, Ahmad Haqqi Husain


2017-07-12 06:40:53


2017-07-12 06:40:53


M.Sc. Thesis


Behçet's disease (BD) is a multisystem inflammatory disorder classified among the vasculitides, which can affect all types and sizes of blood vessels characterized by major symptoms of oral aphthous ulcers, uveitis, skin lesions and genital ulcers. Involvement of intestines, vessels and central nervous system (CNS) sometimes leads to a poor prognosis.Although cases of Behçet's disease were reported from all around the world, it is more prevalent in Far East (Japan, Korea); Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria) and countries around Mediterranean see (Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Greece, Morocco, Algeria, Tunis). Therefore, Behçet's disease occurs most commonly in the countries along the ancient “silk road” Clinical Diagnosis of Behçet Disease:According to the diagnostic criteria of the International Study Group for Behçet Disease , the diagnosis is based on the presence of recurrent oral ulcerations, along with two of the following criteria: (a) recurrent genital ulcerations, (b) eye lesions, including uveitis and retinal vasculitis, (c) skin lesions (folliculitis, erythema nodosum), and (d) positive skin pathergy test (pustule formation 24–48 hours following skin prick). Behçet disease involving the chest can manifest as a wide spectrum of abnormalities. Aneurysms of the pulmonary arteries with or without thrombosis are a typical manifestation of Behçet disease. Involvement of the SVC and aorta may occur, and pulmonary findings include pulmonary hemorrhage and atelectasis, fibrosis, and air trapping. The mediastinum and pleura may also be involved. Knowledge of these various manifestations can be useful in diagnosing Behçet disease, documenting the cause of symptoms in patients who present with hemoptysis, and initiating appropriate therapy. Spiral CT is useful in demonstrating the entire spectrum of thoracic manifestations of Behçet disease. Spiral CT is noninvasive and provides excellent delineation of the vessel lumen and wall and perivascular tissues as well as detailed information concerning the lung parenchyma, pleura, and mediastinal structures. CT angiography can be performed with only a small quantity of contrast material and may be used as an alternative to venography and angiography. Conventional chest radiography is commonly used for initial assessment of pulmonary signs and symptoms of Behçet disease, for follow-up, and for assessment of response to therapy. The pulmonary parenchymal changes are nonspecific and appear as focal and diffuse areas of increased opacity. Chest radiographs are also useful for detection of hilar enlargement, which may be due to pulmonary artery aneurysms , and of mediastinal widening, which may be an ominous sign of an aneurysm developing in the thoracic aorta. In our study, we are aiming to evaluate those patients diagnosed as Behcet disease whether symptomatic or asymptomatic for early detection of chest manifestations.


1 Jan 2013





Created At

28 Jan 2023