Blood and tissue samples were collected from one hundred and sixEgyptian women suffering from complicated pregnancy includingabortion, intrauterine fetal death and congenital anomalies. Tissuesamples were microscopically examined for detection of bradyzoites andbiologically typed with reference to their pathogenicity in mice.Serological (latex agglutination, ELISA and western blot) and molecular(DNA detection in tissue samples using PCR) tools were used fordetection of Toxoplasma infection. The results showed that seven localtypes (6.6%) were isolated from complicated pregnant cases and werebiologically characterized as cystogenic types (II, III) and confirmed asbeing T. gondii using PCR. The total sero-positive percent was 35, 42.4 &37.7 % by Latex, ELISA and western blot respectively versus 33% byPCR. Western blot revealed four immunoreactive bands (84, 53, 30 and22 kDa) against the local isolate versus five bands (72, 65, 38, 30 and 26kDa) with RH strain denoting its role in differentiation between differentToxoplasma strains. Eating undercooked meat and contact with soil wererisk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection among Egyptian women.