Objectives : The aim of this study is to identify the underlying disorders of recurrent pneumonia in children, and to describe how this group of children should be assessed and investigated.Methods : This study was carried out on, sixty patients suffering from recurrent pneumonia, and was admitted to New Children Hospital, Cairo University over a period of six month from January 2010 to June 2010. Diagnosis of the patients was based on careful history taking, detailed clinical examination and specific investigations.Results : Regarding the underlying disorders of recurrent pneumonia in our study, chest problems were diagnosed in 18(30%), the cardiac problems were diagnosed in 27(45%), and the miscellaneous causes were diagnosed in 15(25%) out of the 60 patients of the studied groups.Regarding the chest problems in the studied groups, the most common causes were congenital lung abnormalities in 7(11.7%), bronchial asthma in 2(3.3%), cystic fibrosis in 1(1.7%), H1N1 virus in 1(1.7%) and foreign body aspiration in 5(8.3%).Regarding the cardiac causes in the studied groups, the most common causes were congenital heart diseases with a left to right shunt in 25(41.7%).The commonest defect was ventricular septal defect in 8(13.3%) of the cases. On the other hand dilated cardiomyopathy was seen in 1(1.7%), and pulmonary regurge in 1(1.7%) of the cases.Regarding the miscellaneous causes, rickets was diagnosed in 8(13.3%), Werdnig Hoffman disease in 3(5%), cerebral palsy in 2(3.3%), mucopolysaccharidosis + rickets in 1(1.7%) and Tay-sauchs disease in 1(1.7%).