In this work, the complete blood count of neonates admitted to the Cairo University Pediatric Hospital NICU was studied in the period from January 2006to December 2006, and correlations between findings were performed. The number of studied patients was 800 with preterm patients constituting 34.1% and full term patients 65.9%. 82.9% of the patients were discharged and 17.1% died. The most common diagnosis in the preterm group was respiratory distress (35.2%) and the most common diagnosis in the full term group was neonatal jaundice (47.1%).The least common diagnosis in both groups was hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.On correlating the complete blood count findings with the clinical diagnoses of the patients, it was found in cases of neonatal sepsis, the WBC were lower than previous studies but hemoglobin and platelets were in the same range.In cases of low birth weight , preterms had higher WBC, platelets, and hematocrit than full terms but they had lower hemoglobin. On studying correlations between complete blood count findings, preterms had positive correlations between WBC and RBC, WBC and hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets, and they had non significant correlations between WBC and hematocrit, WBC and platelets, hemoglobin and platelets.Also, preterms and full terms had negative correlation between hemoglobin and post natal age, but no correlation with gestational age.